How to Recover after Cutting Weight

The most important nutritional step to take post weigh-in is replacing all the water that was lost while cutting weight. Rule of thumb: Replace 150% of fluids lost right after weigh-in. That means, your focus should be to consume 16-24oz of fluids for every lb of sweat (water) that was lost to make weight.

REMINDER: Water follows sugar and salt so adding electrolytes and glucose to your water maximizes your water absorption and gets you on track for rehydration.

HYDRATION FACT: The body can filter approximately 1 liter of water per hour. It is not recommended to consume more than that even though you may feel really thirsty.

It’s key to focus on taking the right steps to rehydrate for best outcomes with performance. Bloating and diarrhea can be side effects when too many electrolytes (mainly sodium) and/or sugars are added to rehydration beverages, or when concentrated beverages are consumed too quickly. It’s best to take your time and rehydrate slowly to allow your body time to truly absorb the nutrients.

The amount of sugar and salt to rehydrate your body has many variables that should be taken into consideration. This can make it challenging to do on your own. Consulting a Sports Nutritionist, Registered Dietitian, or Health professional educated in building your individualized plan is the best way to safely get yourself back on track after cutting weight.



Step 1: 1st drink should be 1 pint/17 floz (the average bottle of water) and should be consumed within the first 15 minutes post weigh in. This beverage will contain water and electrolytes.
Step 2: Wait 10 minutes to allow your body time to absorb the fluids.
Step 3: Drink your next pint of water. This pint will have a combination of electrolytes and simple carbohydrates.

Repeat these steps for the first hour. Make sure to consistently monitor your body throughout the rehydration process because it’s important not to risk further dehydration (diarrhea). If there are no physical issues within the first hour of rehydration, it’s time to eat!

Typically the stomach is sensitive after weight cutting for a week. It’s important to choose foods that offer the best nutrients for gut health and performance without stress.

Type of Foods to consume: low fat, lean proteins, and high glycemic index carbs (ex: rice, pasta, potato*, oatmeal, white bread, apple sauce, pretzels, bananas)
*Potatoes are particularly great as a post weigh in snack because they are high in potassium, vitamin A, B, and C

First snack should be around 45 minutes to 1 hour post weigh-in and should be strictly carbs to replenish all the glycogen that was depleted from the muscles during fight week.

2-3 hours post weigh-in, if your body is recovering well (no upset stomach, bloating, or diarrhea) , you should consume your first meal. It should contain 20-30 grams of lean protein with high GI carbs. Limit fatty, fried, or oily foods because it will slow the absorption of carbs and protein in your stomach and can cause bloating, cramping, and/or other digestive issues.

You should eat every 2-3 hours post weigh in for the rest of the day and by the last meal, you’re good to go for adding fats back into your diet. At that point, your body’s digestive system should be back to normal if you’ve maintained good hydration and food choices throughout the day.

Hope this was helpful guys and I’ll see you on the mat! 


-Jackie K

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